Prompt Engineering vs. Python APIs: Talking to the Big Brains

Vincent Young
4 min readDec 25, 2023


Prompt Engineering vs. Python APIs

Let me share a personal story about my journey with language models. I enrolled in an advanced prompt engineering course, eager to master the art of crafting perfect prompts for impressive results. But then, something unexpected happened. The curriculum included lessons on Python, a programming language I’d never touched before. My initial reaction? “Why learn Python when I just want to write better prompts?”

As I delved deeper, however, a fascinating truth began to unfold. While prompt engineering is indeed powerful, Python offered a whole new dimension. It was like unlocking a hidden door in the world of language models, revealing the intricate gears and levers that make them tick.

This newfound understanding transformed my perspective. Python wasn’t just a detour; it was a key that could unlock even greater potential in my prompt engineering skills. Imagine, not just crafting the perfect prompt, but actually fine-tuning the model itself, tweaking its parameters to achieve even more nuanced and impressive outputs.

I’ll break down these concepts into bite-sized pieces, using everyday examples and metaphors to make them crystal clear.

how to use prompt engineering for better output of LLM

How do you get the most out of LLM via prompt engineering or Python APIs?

Ever wondered how those AI robots write poems, translate languages, and even answer your trickiest questions? Well, the secret lies in something called Large Language Models (LLMs). You know, one of the LLMs is ChatGPT,and they’re basically super-powered brains that learn from tons of data. But how do you talk to these brainiacs? Enter the Prompt vs. Python API Showdown!

Imagine LLMs as giant libraries filled with knowledge. You can either whisper your requests (prompts) or write them down on fancy notecards (Python APIs). Both ways get you the information you need, but they’re like different flavors of ice cream—some are sweeter, some are more complex, and it all depends on your taste!

cf)what’s API? An API is like a waiter between apps (LLM and Python here), taking your requests and bringing back the answers!

Prompt Engineering:

Think of it as writing a super-specific wish list. You tell the LLM exactly what you want, like “Write me a poem about a cat who dreams of flying” or “Translate this article into Spanish for my homework.”


  • Easy-peasy: No coding is needed; just wordsmith your request!
  • Flexible: You can get creative and specific with your prompts.
  • Natural: Feels like talking to a friend, perfect for brainstorming or writing.


  • Trial and error: Finding the perfect prompt might take a few tries.
  • Limited control: You can’t tweak the LLM’s inner workings like a scientist in a lab.
  • Mystery box: Sometimes, it’s hard to understand how the LLM came up with its answer.

Python APIs:

Think of it as building a robot with instructions. You write code using Python, a programming language, to tell the LLM exactly what to do step-by-step. You can build your own secretary (ex. Every day, you can get emails of currency rate, weather forecasts, and so on , instead of googling


  • Powerhouse: You can handle complex tasks like analyzing data or building AI models.
  • Direct control: You’re the captain of the LLM ship, steering it wherever you want.
  • Efficiency King: Code lets you automate tasks, so you can sit back and watch the LLM work its magic.
  • Sharing is caring. Sharing your code is easy, so you can collaborate with other tech whizzes.


  • Learning curve: Coding takes time and practice, like mastering a new skateboard trick.
  • Less friendly: It’s like talking to a computer, not a buddy.
  • Code gremlins: Debugging your code can be tricky, like untangling a knotty earphone cord.

So, which one is right for you?

  • Newbie LLM Explorer? Start with prompts! It’s like dipping your toes in the AI pool—fun and easy.
  • Creative mastermind? Prompts are your playground! Write stories, poems, jokes, or anything your imagination cooks up.
  • Data detective or AI architect? Python APIs are your tools! Build powerful applications and unlock the LLM’s full potential.

There you have it, BOTH WAYS to open the door to LLM

Brainstorming got you stuck?

Whisper a prompt, like “Write me a sci-fi story with a talking dog who solves crimes,” and let the LLM be your co-pilot, tossing out wild ideas and weaving them into a narrative tapestry. Then, grab your Python toolkit and refine those diamond-in-the-rough prompts into polished masterpieces. Imagine tweaking the dog’s breed, adding a sprinkle of time travel, or building a futuristic city as your story’s backdrop — the possibilities are truly infinite.

Feeling the data-driven detective in you?

Python APIs are your magnifying glass, allowing you to delve deep into the LLM’s hidden chambers. Analyze mountains of text, build AI models that predict your next favorite song, or even craft a personal virtual assistant who knows all your quirks and coffee preferences. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility — don’t forget to sprinkle in a dash of your creative spark to keep things engaging and unique.

So, which side will you choose? Or, why not both? Mix and match like a culinary genius, using prompts as your secret ingredients and Python as your master chef. The world of LLMs is your oyster, and your imagination is the pearl.

Bonus tip: Don’t be afraid to experiment! Play around with prompts, learn some Python, and see what amazing things you can create with your new AI buddy. The possibilities are endless, just like your imagination!



Vincent Young

I'm seeking for Better Approach to New technology #promptengineering #aiproductivity #chatgptprompt