Hyper-Realistic Human Image Prompts: Diving Deep into Details

Vincent Young
5 min readDec 31, 2023


hyper-realistic human image prompt

Hyper-Realistic Human Image Prompts

Have you ever wondered how you can write pro-skilled Prompts when you want to create hyper-realistic human image? Well, get ready to create AI portraits so real they could walk off the screen? Dive into these Hyper-Realistic Human Image Prompts and watch your words transform into digital masterpieces

So, what are these “pro-skill prompts” everyone’s raving about? Think of them as secret codes you whisper to the AI, telling it exactly what kind of face-painting masterpiece you need. The more detailed you get, the crazier (and cooler) the results. Imagine describing not just “blonde hair” but “sun-kissed waves cascading down their shoulders, catching a single glint of golden light.” Boom! Instant jaw-dropping portrait!

But how do you write prompts that turn AI into your personal Michelangelo?

Here are some tricks to make those pixels scream realism:

  • Go deep with details: Instead of “smiling,” say “a mischievous grin, one corner of their mouth slightly raised, like they just hatched a brilliant plan.”
  • Paint with words: Think about light, shadow, and texture. Use words like “sun-dappled skin,” “eyes reflecting the city lights,” or “rough beard stubble catching the morning dew.”
  • Steal from the masters: Study real-life photos or classic paintings. Borrow details like “Renaissance-style clothing with intricate folds” or “Van Gogh brushstrokes of vibrant color.”

Here are some prompts to get your creative juices flowing:

🎁🎁You can freely copy and paste if it’s needed

✨Face & Features:

  • Photorealistic portrait of a young woman with fiery red hair, freckles dancing across her sun-kissed nose, and piercing blue eyes that seem to hold a galaxy within.
  • Close-up of a weathered face etched with the wisdom of countless stories, deep-set wrinkles tracing the path of laughter and tears.
  • A child’s face, full of wonder and innocence, eyes wide with curiosity as they gaze at a butterfly flitting through a sun-dappled meadow.
  • A cyberpunk warrior with cybernetic enhancements, metallic glint contrasting with the vulnerability in their gaze.
  • A portrait in the style of Rembrandt, bathed in warm chiaroscuro, capturing the soul of a seasoned musician lost in the melody.

✨Body & Pose:

  • A ballerina poised on the edge of a pirouette, muscles rippling with power and grace, sunlight catching the dewdrops on her skin.
  • A lone figure silhouetted against a stormy sky, wind whipping through their hair, their stance resolute and defiant.
  • Two lovers entwined in a passionate embrace, their bodies sculpted by moonlight, shadows whispering secrets on their skin.
  • A weary traveler slumped against a weathered wall, dust clinging to their tattered clothes, their eyes reflecting the exhaustion of a long journey.
  • A child leaping through the air, arms outstretched in joyous abandon, laughter echoing through the air.

✨Setting & Emotion:

  • A lone astronaut gazing at Earth from the moon’s desolate surface, awe and longing etched on their face.
  • A bustling marketplace teeming with life, vibrant colors and textures swirling together, a cacophony of sounds filling the air.
  • A tranquil forest bathed in the golden glow of dawn, mist clinging to the ancient trees, a lone deer emerging from the shadows.
  • A dimly lit speakeasy, smoke curling from cigarettes, jazz music filling the air, a couple lost in a sultry tango.
  • A battlefield shrouded in the fog of war, soldiers grappling with fear and determination, their faces etched with the raw emotions of conflict.

✨Bonus Prompts:

  • Combine historical figures: Imagine a portrait of Albert Einstein collaborating with Leonardo da Vinci on a groundbreaking invention.
  • Challenge yourself with specific details: Create a hyper-realistic portrait of a person with heterochromia iridum (two different colored eyes).
  • Blur the lines between reality and fantasy: Generate an image of a mermaid emerging from a moonlit ocean, her scales shimmering with iridescent light.
  • Get creative with metaphors: Depict a person’s heartbreak as a shattered mirror reflecting their fractured emotions.
  • Experiment with different styles: Use a Van Gogh-inspired brushstroke technique to capture the raw energy of a street performer.

Not Yet , There’s more to go !!!

1. Appearance:

✨Facial Features

  • Skin: Sun-kissed freckles dancing across a honeyed complexion, weathered lines etched by laughter around twinkling eyes, a porcelain face illuminated by moonlight.
  • Eyes: Emerald orbs reflecting the flickering flames of a campfire, soulful gaze piercing through the lens, piercing blue eyes veiled by a whisper of melancholy.
  • Hair: Windswept silver locks cascading down bare shoulders, a crown of fiery braids adorned with intricate beads, a messy bun capturing the essence of morning chaos.

✨Body Language:

  • A lone figure silhouetted against a stormy sky, hands clutching a tattered cloak against the wind.
  • A child’s laughter echoing through a sun-drenched meadow, arms outstretched in carefree abandon.
  • A dancer frozen in mid-leap, muscles rippling with power and grace.

✨Clothing and Accessories:

  • A weathered leather jacket adorned with faded motorcycle patches, whispering tales of forgotten journeys.
  • A flowing silk gown embroidered with delicate flowers, shimmering under the soft glow of candlelight.
  • A pair of vintage spectacles perched on a bookworm’s nose, reflecting the wisdom within.

2. Emotions and Expressions:

  • A stoic warrior king, eyes steely with resolve, gripping the hilt of his sword.
  • A child’s face alight with pure joy, cheeks flushed with excitement at the sight of a rainbow.
  • A tear glistening on a cheek, capturing the quiet heartache of a lost love.

3. Setting and Atmosphere:

  • A cyberpunk alley bathed in neon, a lone figure blending into the shadows.
  • A bustling Renaissance marketplace, vibrant colors and bustling life spilling onto the cobblestone streets.
  • A serene Japanese garden, cherry blossoms fluttering in the gentle breeze, casting delicate shadows on the face of a meditating monk.

4. Historical and Cultural Influences:

  • A pharaoh bathed in golden light, hieroglyphic symbols etched into their ceremonial robes.
  • A Victorian lady with a porcelain complexion and a tightly laced corset, embodying the elegance of a bygone era.
  • A Maasai warrior adorned with vibrant beads and ochre paint, their gaze unwavering beneath the scorching African sun.

5. Combining Elements:

  • A close-up portrait of a weathered farmer, their eyes reflecting the wisdom of the land, a single tear tracing a path down a sun-baked cheek.
  • A young ballerina suspended in mid-air, her ethereal beauty illuminated by the spotlight, a single strand of hair defying gravity.
  • A steampunk inventor, gears whirring in their workshop, a mischievous glint in their eye as they unveil their latest creation.

Remember, the key to hyper-realism is in the details! The more specific and evocative your prompts, the more lifelike your AI-generated images will be. Don’t be afraid to experiment, mix and match elements, and unleash your creativity. The possibilities are endless!



Vincent Young

I'm seeking for Better Approach to New technology #promptengineering #aiproductivity #chatgptprompt